Agent Blogs

Aug 17


Blog posted by Bill Moore  ::  Views (10878)
 While sales were sluggush in the early part of the Summer in Queensway Terrace South, sales in the past three to four weeks have really picked up. Both homes listed on Baseline are now sold, as well as two of the three on Thorson and one of the two listed on Stanton. At my last open house... [ more ]
Aug 17

Queensway Terrace South

Blog posted by Bill Moore  ::  Views (10901)
 While June and early July were sluggish for sales in Queensway Terrace Heights, both homes on Baseline are now sold as well as two of the three on Thorson and one of the two on Stanton. During the last week of July and the first week of August I had many interested buyers in this area.... [ more ]
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